Employee Personal Details Form Template UK

The Employee Personal Details Form Template UK is offered in multiple formats, including PDF, Word, and Google Docs, featuring customizable and printable versions.


Employee Personal Details Form Template UK

Editable – Printable

Employee Personal Details Form Template UK

1. Employee Information

2. Emergency Contact Information

3. Job Details

4. Education Background

5. Previous Employment

6. Skills and Qualifications

7. Health and Safety Information

8. Consent for Data Processing

9. Declaration




Employee Personal Details Form Template UK (1)
Employee Information:
[Employee’s Full Name]
[Employee’s National Insurance Number]
[Employee’s Address]
[Employee’s Phone Number]
[Employee’s Email Address]
Emergency Contact:
[Name of Emergency Contact]
[Relationship to Employee]
[Emergency Contact Phone Number]
[Emergency Contact Email Address]
Date of Birth:
[Employee’s Date of Birth]
Position Information:
[Job Title]
[Start Date]
[Employment Type (e.g., Full-time, Part-time)]
Bank Details:
[Bank Name]
[Account Holder’s Name]
[Account Number]
[Sort Code]
Health and Safety Information:
[Any Relevant Health Information]
[Emergency Medical Treatment Preferences]
[Employee’s Signature]
[Date Signed]
Employee Personal Details Form Template UK (2)
Employee Details:
[First Name]
[Last Name]
[Address Line 1]
[Address Line 2]
Contact Information:
[Mobile Number]
[Home Phone]
[Work Phone]
Emergency Contact Information:
[Emergency Contact Name]
[Emergency Contact Relationship]
[Emergency Contact Number]
[Emergency Contact Email]
Employment Details:
[Job Title]
[Work Location]
[Start Date of Employment]
Bank Information:
[Account Holder Name]
[Bank Name]
Health Considerations:
[Specify Any Health Conditions or Allergies]
[Doctor’s Contact Information]
I declare that the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
[Employee’s Signature]
[Date Signed]


Employee Personal Details Form Template UK